Dues – All 3 Bodies


Pays the annual dues for all the following:

  • Clearwater Chapter No. 45 Royal Arch Masonry of Florida
  • Clearwater Council No. 34 of Royal and Select Masters of Florida
  • Springtime Commandery No. 40 of Knights Templar of Florida

* by submitting payment, you are formally/officially confirming that you are in good standing with all dues paid in your Blue Lodge.



Pays the annual dues for all the following:

  • Clearwater Chapter No. 45 Royal Arch Masonry of Florida
  • Clearwater Council No. 34 of Royal and Select Masters of Florida
  • Springtime Commandery No. 40 of Knights Templar of Florida

* by submitting payment, you are formally/officially confirming that you are in good standing with all dues paid in your Blue Lodge.

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